Distributors wanted nationwide for our product EarthCare CompostPLUS Organic Fertilizer. Interested distributors are encouraged to apply by filling this online form or download this form, fill and mail to info@Earthcarecompostplus.com


  1. Registered Company with proven marketing ability in agro-allied products
  2. Evidence of payment of 3years' Tax/or waiver
  3. Banker's Certification
  4. Evidence of Availability of Warehouse
  5. Dealership Registration Fee (One-off) : N50,000 (Fifty Thousand Naira)
  6. Minimum Monthly Sales Volume : 30 metric tons

Special Conditions

  • CompostPlus is not to be adulterated
  • CompostPlus is not to be mixed with any other chemicals including fertilizer

For further enquiry, please send a mail to info@Earthcarecompostplus.com

Dealership Application Form